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New Zealand IoT Alliance

Help shape Aotearoa’s IoT Future | August News

I recently provided the foreword for NZ IoT Alliance member Chorus’ report on ‘Solving problems with fibre-enabled IoT’. In this, I stated that New Zealand is at an inflection point, with a future that connects data, devices, and people to unlock the next phase of economic growth. Realising this next phase of growth will take a combined, collaborative effort across industry, government, academia, investors and the startup community. 

This is one of the key drivers for the NZ IoT Alliance, and an opportunity is now presented for you to help drive this initiative through further engagement as a NZ IoT Alliance Executive Council representative. Nominations for the following seats on the Executive Council are currently open:

  • One Major Corporate Seat
  • One Other Corporate Seat
  • One SME & Start Up Seat
  • One Government Seat
  • One Education Seat

All New Zealand IoT Alliance member organisations can nominate a representative. This is your chance to be involved in shaping the future direction of Aotearoa’s IoT sector! Submit your nomination using the online form here

The deadline for nominations is 5.00pm on Monday, 2 September 2024. Online elections will follow, and the new Council will be announced at our Annual Meeting on Monday, 7 October from 1.30pm -2.30pm. Please register if you want to attend the Annual Meeting – note that this is a members-only event.

Ngā mihi,

Kriv Naicker – Chair 

NZ IoT Alliance

Help shape Aotearoa’s IoT Future | August News

The deadline for nominations is 5.00pm on Monday, 2 September 2024.

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New Zealand IoT Alliance The New Zealand IoT Alliance is an association of organisations and individuals that have come together to take a key role in growing our country's capability to maximize the Internet of Things to generate economic growth while addressing any challenges.