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New Zealand IoT Alliance

Meet your new Community Manager | September News

Spring is finally here, the season of renewal and with this change in seasons comes change for this community and newsletter.

First off, I’d like to introduce myself – I’m Daniel, and I am the new Community Manager for NZ IoT Alliance. I’m thrilled to be on this journey with you as we work towards a more connected New Zealand through the innovations of IoT.

I see a whole new season of events lined up for the community, events that will reinvigorate us as we head into the warmer months ahead. Through these events, may we spark more conversations, connections, and collaboration.

It is also important that we have a quorum at the Annual Meeting. Please register here to attend the online Annual meeting on Monday 7 October at 1.30pm. If you are unable to attend please get in touch to appoint the Chair as your proxy. For the purposes of the meeting the only formal approval is for the minutes of the annual meeting in 2023.

Despite the sluggish winter, the world of IoT has not slowed down one bit. Progress continues to drive us towards a better world. On Saturday, 21 September Rocket Lab launched “Kinéis Killed the RadIOT Star”, a dedicated mission for French IoT company Kinéis. What’s even more exciting, is that this is only the second of five planned missions! You can watch the launch, or head to their website to find out more. 

As I’m new here, I would love to get to know everyone better! I look forward to connecting with you through email or LinkedIn. As always, we’re open to your brilliant ideas and opportunities for collaboration – feel free to reach out to us here.

Meet your new Community Manager

Join us this spring as we embrace new beginnings, exciting events, and important updates from the NZ IoT Alliance.

New Zealand IoT Alliance The New Zealand IoT Alliance is an association of organisations and individuals that have come together to take a key role in growing our country's capability to maximize the Internet of Things to generate economic growth while addressing any challenges.