
Webinar: The Future of Building Sustainable Cities

Can location-enabled technology change the way we function in the future? Hear from industry leaders and visionaries on what it means to build and live in a sustainable city. Speakers Kane O’Donnell – Director of Innovation – Aware Group Ryan MacVeigh – Location Intelligence Lead – WSP Dr Kat Salm – Digital Solutions Manager – HG Greer O’Donnell – … Continue reading "Webinar: The Future of Building Sustainable Cities"

Future-proofing our cities: transitioning towards sustainability

One of my favourite things I studied at university was the Neolithic Revolution and the birth of agriculture. I found it interesting because it changed the way humans interacted with their surroundings. With domesticated plants and animals, it allowed us to settle into one location. No longer were we needing to be nomadic, hunting and … Continue reading "Future-proofing our cities: transitioning towards sustainability"

Metaverse, the next big digital thing

The Metaverse is a bit of a mystery at the moment. But if the internet is two-dimensional, text and images on flat screens, then think of the metaverse as three-dimensional and multi-sensory, including touch. 

Civil Aviation Bill

View the LocationTech Submission to the Transport and Infrastructure Select Committee on the Civil Aviation Bill.