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IoT Waikato Tech Meetup
The IoT Waikato Tech meetup is an event for innovators, thought leaders and organisations interested in developing the Internet of Things (IoT) and digital technology in the Waikato.
An opportunity to get together, share, and find out what is happening with the IoT and other digital technology around the region, NZ and the world, and what it means or could mean for the Waikato.
The June Meetup will include a showcase of projects and research from local IT and Design Factory NZ students.
The event will commence with nibbles and networking from 5.30pm, with an opportunity to browse project and research posters, before formalities kick off at 6.00pm.
Come along to connect and collaborate, plus take the opportunity to speak with potential internship/employment candidates and industry relationship staff from leading tertiary education providers in Waikato.
We will be hearing from –
Ben Reid (AIForumNZ)
Ben is the Executive Director of the AIForumNZ, a member of the NZ Tech Alliance, and will talk about how AI is starting to deliver meaningful results for NZ organisations – and what we can do to accelerate this.
Michael Stribling (Spark)
Michael, Tribe Lead Managed Services at Spark, will discuss how their customers are using IoT to get an operational edge today. Covering key use cases for Freight and Logistics operators as well as Local Government.
Paul Stone – (NZ Open Government Data Programme, Stats NZ)
With advancements in AI and IoT, the generation, flow and consumption of quality data is becoming paramount. Paul is passionate about data and information being put to use and will provide insights into what exactly we mean by open data, what role it has in the wider data arena, and why clear data provenance is so important now.