As we come out of lockdown, our focus is now on rebuild and regrowth activity across our working, social, family and home lives. The NZIoTA is focused on identifying how we as a community can aid this response by leveraging IoT in these key areas.
So over the coming months, we will be contacting all members directly to discuss how you and us as a community can collectively and effectively apply our IoT expertise in response to covid-19 and other economic, social and environmental concerns.
The NZIoTA will continue to facilitate discussions between industry, government and education institutions to ensure that collaborative, collective responses are collated, presented and actioned. Thus, we are keen to hear from you all during these contact calls and how the NZIoTA can continue to support, facilitate and engage on opportunities available across IoT supply and value chain domains.
IoT and related technologies are and can be core in our response to Covid-19 and our economic and social rebuild. We look forward to your thoughts and ideas in aiding us to plan our targeted programme of work over the coming months.
Best wishes for the month ahead.
Nga mihi nui,
The team at the NZ IoT Alliance