I don’t know about you but this summer felt longer than normal. As New Zealand moved into its traditional summer holiday period and a large percentage of kiwis downed tools to flock to beaches for rest and recreation, it was gratifying to see IoT in action providing real-time quality information to sun and sea seekers. The … Continue reading "Everyday IoT simplifying summer"
18 March 2021
Promoting connection and collaboration to reach our potential
As we closed out 2020 we talked about our focus of supporting greater collaboration and developing partnerships so that as a country we can effectively leverage the Internet of Things across industry, Government, education institutions and startups to create a potential $2.2 billion in net economic benefit by 2027, as highlighted in our 2017 report … Continue reading "Promoting connection and collaboration to reach our potential"
05 February 2021
Your 2020 wrap up from the IoT Alliance
Although we’ve been through a challenging year, the awareness and value of IoT solutions across consumer and business markets has continued to grow in NZ as well as globally.
02 December 2020
IoT could be instrumental in healthcare following COVID-19
Since our last newsletter, several countries have been experiencing a second wave of COVID-19 and have unfortunately been seeing a fresh spike in cases.
05 November 2020
Closing the digital skills gap in 2020
2020 has certainly brought its challenges. As New Zealand reopens, the world economy is emerging forever changed and there is a need for a safe and successful economic recovery for all.
02 October 2020
Place in the fight of the future
Just when we all thought that COVID-19 was a distant memory for NZ during our 101 days of freedom at Level 1
03 September 2020
Water everywhere but not a drop to spare
With Auckland’s drought and subsequent water restrictions at the most severe we have seen in nearly 30 years, water sustainability is top of mind for much of the country and governing bodies
11 August 2020
IoT in the post covid 19 world
Since our last newsletter, New Zealand has moved from Level 2 lockdown restrictions back to a new normal of Level 1.
07 July 2020
NZ IoT Alliance Communications
Since our last newsletter New Zealand has moved to alert level 2. For many of our members this means getting back to work under the new normal. In order to better understand what the impacts of COVID-19 have been on our membership and what the industry is
04 June 2020