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Powering the Blockchain with Location
This technology session will introduce the basics of blockchain and how adding location services to a particular blockchain network
This technology session will introduce the basics of blockchain and how adding location services to a particular blockchain network can add value by providing better security and enhanced solution in your business use case.
Moreover, participants will get an overview of the HERE Location Services and IBM Blockchain Platform and learn how to integrate it into a user application.
What will you learn?
In this hands-on workshop developers will learn:
• How to get started with HERE Location Services
• Integrating HERE Location Services in an IoT user application
• Data visualization on IBM Cloud
• How to connect blockchain and location services into a frontend
• Query your blockchain network
Who should attend?
• Web Developers
• Mobile Developers
• Backend Developers
• UI/UX Designers
• Product managers
• IoT Enthusiast
Please do the following before the workshop:
1. Please register with HERE Developer Portal(https://bit.ly/here_ibm) and IBM Cloud account (https://ibm.biz/HERETechnologies) – They’re both FREE!
2. Download and install Docker: https://www.docker.com/get-started
3. Download and install Node >=8.x & <= 10.x: https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases/
4. Download and install VS Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/download
5. Download the IBM Blockchain Platform Extension on VS Code: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=IBMBlockchain.ibm-blockchain-platform
6. Be prepared with the GitHub resources https://bit.ly/HEREGitHub