Industry News

Be part of Scale-Up New Zealand

In April, Callaghan Innovation launches Scale-Up New Zealand, a free online platform with verified information on Aotearoa New Zealand’s vibrant innovation ecosystem.
Industry News

Kordia launches New Zealand’s first dedicated ‘IoT Store’

IoT Alliance comment: “Kordia has launches New Zealand’s first IoT Store, called the ‘Things’ store. The purpose of this initiative is to make it easier for businesses to experiment with IoT, and maybe even fail and try again. Unlocking some myths around the cost and the technology itself will be a significant step forward in … Continue reading "Kordia launches New Zealand’s first dedicated ‘IoT Store’"
Industry News

IoT keeps boaties on board when they’re away from the marina

IoT Alliance comment: “BoatSecure is a boat monitoring system developed by NZ company IoT Ventures and entrepreneur John McDermott. Sensors on a boat connect to the vessel’s electrical system. These sensors continuously check the boat’s battery, bilge pump, geo location, and shore power supply. This information travels over Spark’s LoRa (low power, long-range) network to … Continue reading "IoT keeps boaties on board when they’re away from the marina"
Industry News

Spark new ‘Internet of Things’ network set to give resource monitoring company Levno an edge

IoT Alliance comment: “Levno, who provide resource monitoring services to the rural sector, has signed up as one of Spark first IoT customers. Levno is rolling our IoT technology as part of its fuel monitoring service to customers, leveraging the recent completion of Sparks nationwide IoT network. Levno customers will see an immediate benefit through … Continue reading "Spark new ‘Internet of Things’ network set to give resource monitoring company Levno an edge"